
Newera Generic Control System (GCS3000) is a software based collection of products. It is revolutionary in its approach to solving all aspects of monitoring and control within a building. Enables an open protocol approach to integrating the people, the place and the technology within a building, estate or campus.

The above image shows how a variety of systems and hardware can be accommodated in a single platform. No longer the need for disparate systems and boxes to access the various monitoring and control facilities. No longer being tied to specific suppliers or manufacturers through the life cycle of the building.

GCS3000 accepts a huge diversity of sensors and actuators for monitoring and control. All that is required is an I/O point to connect to.

One or more of the following products can be integrated into a single system placing the chosen functionalities at your fingertips:

Access Control

Set up or modify access control systems without the need for specialist supplier intervention.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

For environment control automatically coordinated to avoid activating cooling and heating at the same time. A complete Building Energy Management System for control of plant and demand-side energy.

Smart Metering

Of heat, electricity, gas, and water enabling remote monitoring and reporting.

Integrated Automatic Metering & Targeting

of energy enabling security-conscious organisations to keep their data in-house and saving on third-party subscriptions

Humidity monitoring and control

In association with HVAC systems.

CO2 monitoring and control

In association with HVAC systems.

Ventilation Control

Demand-based fresh air ventilation control, reducing preheating and cooling costs.

Fault cause-and-effect analysis and reporting

Is included in all above products supporting and improving preventative maintenance strategies.

Lighting Control

From simple ON/OFF via presence detection or time control to the monitoring of SMART systems.